The Youth League The Youth Congress’ Youth Leagues in Kenya (A) Preamble What are the main benefits for organizations and individuals who are members of The Youth Congress Youth Leagues? • Consolidated youth voice for change that acts together by mobilizing and organizing collective knowledge, skills, expertise, influence and power to advance the youth agenda. • Experiences and lessons for better understanding, exchanges and engagement in the youth sector. • Capacity building for collective action through trainings, networking, exposure, partnership and linkages. • Enhanced organization(s) influence for youth condition, position and space for an inclusive society. • Contribution to people centered, accountable and responsive governance towards the "Kenya that Youth Want". • Linking local conversations on youth demands, concerns and aspirations to national, regional and global discourse. • The Youth Congress and Youth Leagues in Kenya are not funding organizations, though they work with youth to identify and mobilize resources to advance the youth agenda. Submission deadline Tuesday November 5th, 2020. (B) Organization Contact Information 1. Name: 2. Type: —Please choose an option—Non- Governmental Organization (NGO)AssociationTrustFoundationSaving and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO)Community Based Organization (CBO)Faith Based Organization (FBO)UnionSelf Help Group(SHG)NetworkMovementFoundationCompanyOthers (Specify) 2(b). if applicable specify other. 3. Email: 4. Phone: 5. Website: 6. County: —Please choose an option—(001) Mombasa(002) Kwale(003) Kilifi(004) Tana River(005) Lamu(006) Taita/Taveta(007) Garissa(008) Wajir(009) Mandera(010) Marsabit(011) Isiolo(012) Meru(013) Tharaka-Nithi(014) Embu(015) Kitui(016) Machakos(017) Makueni(018) Nyandarua(019) Nyeri(020) Kirinyaga(021) Murang'a(022) Kiambu(023) Turkana(024) West Pokot(025) Samburu(026) Trans Nzoia(027) Uasin Gishu(028) Elgeyo/Marakwet(029) Nandi(030) Baringo(031) Laikipia(032) Nakuru(033) Narok(034) Kajiado(035) Kericho(036) Bomet(037) Kakamega(038) Vihiga(039) Bungoma(040) Busia(041) Siaya(042) Kisumu(043) Homa Bay(044) Migori(045) Kisii(046) Nyamira(047) Nairobi City 7. Organization Social Media address: 8. Contact Person Name: 9. Contact Person Phone: 10. Organization Email: (C) More about the organization. 11. Organization Sector of Operation —Please choose an option—GovernanceEducationAgricultureHealthEnvironmentInformation Communication Technology (ICT)ChildrenWomen and GenderDisability and special needsMicro- FinanceWater and SanitationPeace and SecurityArt and sportsBlue EconomyMinority rights e.g LGBTOthers (specify) 11(b). if applicable specify other. 12. Whats the organization sector of operation? (e.g. Children, Women, People with disability etc.) 13. Whats the organization main focus? 14. Whats the organization scope or reach and county of operation? (D)Future Engagements 15. What medium would be most preferable to communicate with your organization? —Please choose an option—EmailPhoneFacebookTwitterInstagram 16. Would you like to be added to The Youth Congress and Youth League mailing list? —Please choose an option—YesNo 17. Any other comment (E) Authorisation: I Have read and agreed with terms and conditions for membership of the Youth Leagues in Kenya. Name: Designation/Position: Date: Please leave this field empty. Please prove you are human by selecting the star.