Call for Expression of Interest:

Development of The Youth Congress (TYC) Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Opportunity Closing Date: 25th January 2021
Opportunity Type: Call for Consultant(s)

The Youth Congress is a youth serving Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 2007 to provide young people in Kenya with a platform to articulate their issues, explore opportunities for youth participation and leadership to effectively address their interests and concerns and engage young people in social, economic and political processes.

It was founded in the run up to the 2007 general elections in Kenya as part of efforts by youth to seek development and emancipation through political accountability. The Youth Congress developed its first strategic plan for the year 2010-2012. This was through a consultative process with its membership, youth leaders and partners. The second and third Strategic Plans for the year 2013 to 2016 and 2016 to 2020 were developed through a more similar process.

Consultancy Objective
To enhance youth agency, engagement and leadership – access to opportunities and effective participation and representation in decision-making at all levels.

Scope of Work and Role of Consultant
The Youth Congress is looking for a Consultant to develop a strategic plan for 2021-2025.

The scope of work and role of the Consultant will include but not limited to the following:

  • Review the organization’s background documents and other literature on youth development to inform the Strategic Plan.
  • In consultation with The Youth Congress conduct a stakeholder analysis to get their input on the Strategic Plan.
  • With The Youth Congress hold a 2-3 day consultative workshop with the members and other stakeholders.
  • Compile and synthesise proposals from the various stakeholders mapped for the strategic plan and develop the draft strategic plan for review.
  • Integrate feedbacks from the review team and other stakeholders develop the final strategic plan for publication and dissemination.
  • Propose strategies for achieving the goal and set result areas including monitoring and evaluation strategies for effective implementation of Strategic Plan.


  • An Inception Report.
  • Facilitate a workshop with members and networks to develop a Strategic Plan.
  • Draft Strategic Plan 2021-2025 to be presented for review by the Reference Group and Advisory Council.
  • Final Strategic Plan incorporating input from the Youth Congress Reference Group and the Advisory Council.

Reporting Arrangements
The Consultant will report directly to the Convenor of The Youth Congress. The Youth Congress will provide relevant background documents necessary for the assignment and will also be responsible for the logistics for the key activities under this consultancy.

Expertise, Skills and Competencies
The Consultant or individual should possess the following competencies;

  1. Master’s degree in Public Administration, Public Management, Business Administration and/or Development Studies or related fields
  2. Professional experience and expertise in strategic planning and development consultancy
  3. Knowledge and work on youth issues and trends in Kenya, regionally and globally
  4. Highly motivated and committed to the values of transparency and integrity
  5. Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments
  6. Skills in facilitation of stakeholders engagement, communication and consensus building
  7. Excellent analytical skills
  8. Experience in research, policy development, management and programme-related work.

Application Process

  • The application containing technical and financial proposals should be received before or by close of business on Monday, 25th January, 2021.
  • An inception note outlining motivation and summarizing on the Consultant understanding of the assigned and how to undertake it.
  • Curriculum Vitae with full description of the Consultant’s or applicant’s profile and professional experience.
  • Contact details from at least three independent referees with in depth and proven knowledge of the applicant’s expertise and relevant professional work experience.

Evaluation of Expression of Interest
The Youth Congress secretariat and Board will evaluate the application and shortlist candidates for interview. The Consultant selected will be engaged to undertake the task of developing The Youth Congress Strategic Plan.

Enquiries and Submission
Further inquire and submission should be addressed to the Convener
Submission should be received by close of business on Monday, 25th January, 2021


Submission of Expression of Interest and Proposal
The Youth Congress
P.O. Box 44427-00100 Nairobi, Kenya