Kakamega County Youth Policy
In April 2021, The Youth Congress started igniting the push to realise the now adopted Kakamega county youth policy. The efforts of The Youth Congress helped set forth the conversation and allow the department seek more partners to help actualize the dream. The organisation brought this matter before the office of the governor by submitting a letter and later had a meeting with the Department of Youth, sports and gender under CECM Kassim Were then. Daniel Adikha, The Youth Congress lead in Kakamega County and youth representatives from diverse backgrounds had a very fruitful engagement with the department official together with team from Kakamega County Youth Congress Chapter that included Brian Wamukota, Ibrahim Makokha and Kristine Yakhama at the department office at Bukhungu stadium.

Daniel Adikha was able to lead the team to constructively engage the department and they set out the fire towards making the document a reality .
Daniel later engaged a group of Young people led by Terah Keith under Mzalendo Youth group who were being facilitated by International Republican Institute to help fund and finally actualize the document,thanks to the team they were able to fully map out a strategy that brought together various stakeholders that together delivered the policy.
Kakemega County Governor, H.E. Fernandez Baraza was very instrumental in ensuring the policy was delivered.
Daniel and youth in the county are now working towards making it work by advocating for its full and proper implementation.